Dent Bravo

Health Tourism

Dear patients, you are trying to find solutions to your health problems. For this purpose, you contact many clinics and try to find the best one. The most important factor affecting the quality of the service received is undoubtedly the experience of the dentist. However, the field of dentistry in particular differs from other health fields in some areas. In addition to the physician’s experience, the quality of the materials used greatly affects the success of the treatment. As our patients receiving health care services, it is your natural right to know these and ask your doctor to learn. Filling materials that do not have certificates, whose production processes are illegal, veneers that are unclear from which zircon they are produced and may cause problems in the future, root canal treatment equipment of unknown material, implants that do not have international certificates… In order to avoid such bad situations, you should get detailed information. Do not forget that dental treatments are a very large field and we are ready to give you the best service in this field.


Meeting and Sharing Information

It will be very useful for you to share some information with us in order to give you more detailed information and to better plan the operation of the treatment. Upload your recent x-ray and tomography images if you have them. You can make your transactions quickly by filling out the form.


Treatment Planning and Offer

When you send the form to us, our expert team will contact you within 48 hours at the latest. The accuracy of the information in the form is of great importance for the functioning of the process.


Treatment Process

At Dent Bravo, all your planned treatments are carried out in accordance with the process. Your final checks will be made as soon as you leave the city. Thus, problems that may occur in transactions are prevented.


Routine Control, Care and Post-Treatment Support

Even if you do not have pain, you should have your check-ups every 6 months.