The gingiva in healthy individuals surrounds the root of the tooth and a part of the enamel located in the jawbone. In this way, the tooth is both nourished and protected from harmful factors. In some cases, it can be seen that the amount of gum surrounding the tooth is reduced. This condition is called gum recession.
Factors that cause gum recession:
-Lack of hygiene due to the patient’s inability to brush well and adequately
-Vitamin deficiencies
-Brushing the teeth incorrectly
-Using the wrong toothbrush and toothpaste while brushing teeth
-Bruxism (Clenching teeth)
-Get old
-Inability to clean due to incorrect positioning of the teeth
-The formation of a small amount of gingiva due to the very anterior or very posterior positioning of the teeth
-Tongue tie (Frenilum) presence
-Hormonal changes
Is there any treatment for gum recession? Will it go away on its own?
-Gingival recessions do not go away on their own. There is no drug or cream treatment. The patient cannot treat gingival recession without dental treatment.
-In gingival recessions, the factor is first removed before the treatment process begins. If the patient cannot brush their teeth well, brushing training is given. If there is a crowding in the teeth, the crowding is corrected. Because there will be recurrence in the treatment without eliminating the cause.
-Gingival recession treatment is usually done by taking a piece of the upper palate and transferring it to the recession area. Stitches are placed on the transplanted area, usually no stitches are placed on the area from which the tissue is taken.
How to prevent gum recession?
-There is no definitive solution to gum recession. Treatment is based on the factors.
-Patients with a history of gingival recession should have more frequent dental check-ups.
-A medium soft toothbrush should be used and the teeth and gums should not be pressed too much.